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Apply now to be part of the next Leadership Fayette cohort.

Applications are now being accepted!

2024-2025 Class Schedule*


July 18, 2024           Class Introduction & Alumni Reception

Aug 12-13, 2024      Orientation Retreat (Mandatory Overnight Retreat)

Sept 10, 2024          Class #1 - Economic Development

Sept 24, 2024          Workforce Summit

Oct 8, 2024              Class #2 - Housing & Sustainability

Nov 12, 2024            Class #3 - Workforce & Education

Dec 10, 2024            Class #4 - Community Connections (Includes NonProfits)

Jan 14, 2025             Class #5 - Health & Community Wellness

Feb 11, 2025             Class #6 - Day at the Capitol

Mar 11, 2025             Class #7 - Law Enforcement & the Justice System

Apr 8, 2025               Class #8 - Project Presentations

April 29, 2025           Graduation Dinner


*participants are expected to attend all classes in order to ensure graduation from the course. topic or schedule subject to change

Presenting Sponsor

panasonic automotive

Program Sponsors

georgia power